Month: May 2018

Effect of Addition of Levels of Phosphorus and Their Fragmentation in the Characteristics of Growth and Wheat Yield) Triticum aestivum L .)

Abstract The experiment was carried out during the growing season 2016-2017 in Al-Muthanna to investigate  the effect of different P levels (0, 50, and 100kg. h-1) and application times (once, twice, and three parts) on growth and yield of Bengal and Rushed wheat cultivars. 100kg.h-1 P application showed the highest plant height (106.3 cm, plant […]

The economics of poultry production in Muthanna Governorate for the year 2017

Abstract The research aimed to estimate the function of poultry production and its economic derivatives, as well as the calculation of some indicators of the economic efficiency of the production and its factors, data were obtained through a random sample that included 35 fields, which accounted for 32{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} of the total poultry producers in the […]

Effect of additional foods and Feeding Ratio on Some Growth Indicators of fish Ctenopharyngodon idella

Abstract This study was carried out to investigate the effect of the use of additional foods and feed ratios for the herbella iden Ctenopharyngodon on some growth indicators in plastic ponds. Fish were distributed on the three treatments. The ratio of the three treatments was (T1) 5{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} of the body weight and the second treatment […]

Hydrological characteristics and pollution sediment of wslaibat depression south Iraq

Abstract This study was conducted on Slaibat depression in Southern Iraq between longitude 45º34´, 45º52 ‘and   Latitude 30º50´, 30º59´, it located between the provinces of Muthanna and Dhi Qar. The result showed that the contribution of wells Al-Ouda and Al-Ghazi in the feeding of the depression. In addition to the contribution of the Valleys, that […]

Effect of adding of humic and fulvic acid on the availability of N.P.K, in the soil and number, weight of the root nodules and yield of broad been (Vicia Faba L.)

Abstract A field experiment was conducted during the growing season of 2016 -20117, in Al-Muthanna province, to study N P K availability in soil, number and weight of root nodules and yield broad bean by adding HA and FA acid to soil. A simple experiment designed by using RCBD method included adding HA and FA […]

Influence of biological inoculant of Paenibacillus polymyxa on available phosphorous from phosphorous rock on growth and yield of Zea mays L

Abstract A field experiment was carried out in 2015-2016 Atumn growing season at research station, Agric., College, Al-Muthana university. Isolation and diagnoztion of three isolates from paenibacillus polymyxa from three varying regions in south of Iraq, which were used as single bacterial inoculant or interaction with three levels of phosphorous rock on growth and yield […]

Effect of inoculation with local isolates of Azospirillum spp. and nitrogen Fertilizer in some specific qualities of wheat plant Triticum aestivum L.

Abstract A field experiment was conducted to study the infleunce of the role of inoculation with Azospirillum SPP and different levels of nitrogen (0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75) of previously recommended nitrogen fertilizer, and the concentration of some elements in the soil of the wheat plant Triticum aestivum L. The nitrogen-stabilized isosperm bacteria was isolated […]