Day: May 24, 2018

مجلة المثنى للعلوم الزراعية

مجلة عراقية محكمة تصدر عن جامعة المثنى كلية الزراعة تهتم بنشر الابحاث الرصينة في جميع جوانب العلوم الزراعية.

يفضل ارسال الابحاث ذات الجانب العملي كما يجب ان يكون البحث غير منشور او مرسل للنشر لاي مجلة اخرى

تخضع جميع البحوث لبرنامج كشف الاستلال وكذلك للتقييم من قبل خبراء محليين ودوليين قبل النشر.

ان اول عدد صدر عام 2012

ان اجور نشر الابحاث من خارج العراق هو مائة دولار امريكي والاشتراك لعددين هو 40 دولاراً امريكياً, اما الابحاث المحلية فان اجور النشر 100.000 دينار (مائة الف دينار عراقي) والاشتراك لعددين هو 50 الف دينار. يمكن الاطلاع على ابحاث المجلة المنشورة على الموقع وكذلك اسلوب الكتابة والنشر.

وننوه بان هدف المجلة ليس ربحيا بقدر ما هو علمي وهذه الاجور الرمزية تؤخذ لغرض تطوير المجلة واستمرار عملها نحو الافضل.


The study was conducted at the Agric. research station, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna, during the 10/11/2015 to 10/2/2016. The objective of this study was to detect the type of birth (single and twin), baby sex, weaning (progressive and early) and the growth of Arabi lambs sheep.  The results showed weight increases of 0.252 kg per day, where the single births exceeded the twin births (4.5 kg for single births) and 4.01 kg for twins. From birth up to  weaning single births sustained superiority over twin in  gained eight (32.03 kg per individual and 22.5 kg M for twins). The males exceeded females at birth weight (4,58 kg for males, 4.01 for females). In weaning, males maintained their superiority over females (30.10 kg for males and 28.8 kg for females), at p≤0,05 between all studied traits.

Ahmed J. Al-yasery, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ

       Hadi A. Hassooni. AL-Brkat,   Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ

    Hameed A. wadah Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ

         Baseem .F.Shaker, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ


Updated: 08/10/2020 — 8:46 am

Response of Triticum aestivum Wheat (IPA99 variety) to Different Types of Organic Fertilizers


An agricultural experiment was carried out during the agricultural season 2016-2017, Aba99  wheat variety was planted at Al-Shattra site north of Al-Nassiryah city in Dhi-Qar province where different types of organic fertilizers produced from (Palme leaves, cane, Aljoulan, Alshamblan, maize, wheat hay) and urea fertilizer using in a complete randomized block design RCBD with three replications, studied traits were plant height, leaf area, spike length, brunches number, spike number/m2, grain number per spike, thousand grain weight, biological yield g/m, grain yield t/h and Protein content in grains, and correlation was studied between traits. Results Showed that thousand grain weight was significantly higher when using the organic fertilizer produced from palm leaves comparing to urea fertilizer, The treatment of organic manure produced from wheat straw was superior to the number of ears and the number of grains. spike -1 gave averages of (223.3 and 59.00) sequentially and recorded the second highest average grain yield compared with the rest of the transactions at (2.500) tons. The treatment of urea fertilizer, which surpassed all the transactions morally, and protein content in grains was significantly higher when using the organic fertilizer produced from wheat hay than using urea fertilizer. Results also Showed that correlation were significant between grain yield and protein content in grains (r =0.59**) and also between biological yield and grain yield (r = 0.78**)

Salih Hadi Farhood Al-Salim, Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture Directorate of  Dhi-Qar ,Iraq*

Maysoun M. Saleh, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria

 Nabeel A. K.AL-kaeath, University of Muthanna, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of

Reem Al-edelbi, Faculty of Agric, Damascus University, Syria


Updated: 24/05/2018 — 12:50 am

Effect of using three different sources of water in some hematological traits of local male rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus).


An experiment was carried out during 15/2/2017 to 1/5/2017, besides, 15 days as adaptation period, at the Animal house, Veterinary College, AL-Muthanna University, to evaluate the effect of three different sources of water in some hematological parameters of local male rabbits. Twelve healthy local male rabbits of 2.5-3 months’ age were selected for this trail. Rabbits were randomly divided into three groups, each of 4 rabbits, on body weight. First group RO [(Reverse osmosis water group) control, second group (Tap water group ) and third group (river water group)]. Significant increases (P<0.05) were found in RBC of G2(6.37±0.33) at wk8compared with G1(5.77± 0.26), G3 at wk8(7.03±0.24) and wk4(6.70±0.18) compared with G1 (5.78± 0.32), (5.77± 0.26) respectively. There was a significant increase (P<0.05) in WBC count of the groups G1 (8.89± 0.49), G2(9.67±0.40), respectively, at wk8 compared with G3(6.41± 0.81), also, G1(10.30±0.27) was significantly increased (P<0.05) at wk4 compared with G3(5.91±1.26). Lymphocyte cells{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} was significantly increased (P<0.05) in G1(44.02 ± 0.82) at wk4, wk8 compared with G3(31.17± 2.61) and G2(42.75±1.52) respectively. Neutrophil cells {8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} was significantly increased (P<0.05) in G1 at wk0andwk8(53.70± 0.62) (52.87± 0.66),compared withG3(48.52±1.23), while G2 was significantly increased (P<0.05) at wk4 and wk8(51.92±2.16), (50.7±1.05) compared with G3(44.67± 1.68),(43.17± 1.21) .There was no significant difference in the Esinophiles and Monocytes  between all groups of rabbits during the whole period of experiment while in monocytes G3 was significantly decreased (P<0.05) at wk4andwk8(4.63± 0.27),(4.34±0.36) compared with wk0(7.34±1.17). Basiophile cells{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} showed that there was significant increase (P<0.05) in G2 (1.34±0.14) at wk8 compared with G3 (0.67±0.13). In conclusion from this study that the quality and resources of water play an important role in some blood parameters of local male rabbits, subsequent impact in animal hygienic performance.

Mohamad  K. Hamed AL-Absawi, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of ALmuthanna


Updated: 24/05/2018 — 12:40 am

Morphological study of Histological changes of the Normal and cystic follicles in the ovaries of local cows in Iraq.


The study was conducted at the laboratory, Dept. of animal production, Agric., College, AlMuthanna Univ. to investigated the morphological and histological changes between normal and cystic follicles in ovaries of local cows. 200 ovaries samples of cows at age of 1.5-9 years collected from the Diwaniya province slaughter. Ovaries were taken directly after slaughtering and then, classified to normal ovaries in size ≤ 2mm and abnormal (cystic) ovaries ≥ 2mm, which were divided according to the cysts to: Luteal and Follicular, the ovaries size dimensions were measured and the histological alterations in ovaries stroma were studied in two cyst types and compared in control group. Results showed that the evidence ratios of ovaries follicular and luteal cysts were (12.5 {8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} and 9.5{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}, respectively), while the luteal changes in cyst diameter and follicular wall thickness were larger than in another type (4.78±0.1mm , 5.53 ±0.24µm, respectively).The Histological results showed that granulosa layer in follicular cyst were thinner and smaller thickness as compared with another types, while the layers of internal and external theca in luteal cyst were thicker more than the other types. Swallowing in the granular cells of two cysts types were recorded. Disappearing of the basement membrane and rupture of follicular wall in some regions were obvious.

Khadim M. S, Basic Sci. College, Al-Muthanna Univ.*

Ahmed A. K, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ



Updated: 24/05/2018 — 12:24 am

Effect of Bacterial pollination and mixing of different seeding rates of Avena sativa L. with Trifolium alexandrinum L. in growth and fodder yield of Clover


A field experiment was conducted in agricultural second research station, Agric. College, Al- Muthanna Univ., Iraq, during 2016 – 2017 growing season to determine the effect  clover inoculation with bacterial, and different mixture ratios of  oats Avena sativa L. (25{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}, 50{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}, 75{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} and 100{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}) with amount of Trifolium alexandrinum L. seeds (40kg. h-1)] on growth, green forage yield, for five cutting. Bacterial inoculation treatment recorded the highest 5th cutting in plant nitrogen content 0.44{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}, 4th  cutting in branch numbers 2265 branch.m-2. Clover alone gave 0.97{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} in the 2nd cutting. Clover and Oats mixture treatment was superior over others in plant nitrogen contents 0.75{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}, in 2nd cutting, The highest forage fresh  and dry weights in 2nd cutting 80.30 and 10.73 ton ha-1, respectively, were confined to mixture treatment of 75{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} Otas + Clover. 50{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} Oats + Clover x bacteria inoculated mixture showed the highest plant nitrogen content0.66{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d},  in 4th cutting. Clover only x bacterial inoculation gave the highest yield of green forage in 4th  cutting 99.70ton ha-1. 75{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} oats +Clover x bacterial inoculation revealed the highest dry yield weight in 4th cutting 12.17ton ha-1 .

Faisal Mihbes Al-Tahir

    Hawraa Saad Al-Jayashi1

Agric .college  ,  Al Muthanna Unv


Updated: 24/05/2018 — 12:14 am

Individual and combined Effect of Aflatoxine B1 and ochratoxine –A in BroiIer Chicken Performance (ISA).


Factoriai Treatment2×2 consisting of dietery aflatoxine B1(3,0µg/gm) and ochratoxine-A(5,0µg/gm) were used to evaluate the individual and combined effect of these treatment on male broiler chicken (ISA type) performance. Chickens maintained on these treatments from 1-21 days of age. Aflatoxine B1 and ochratoxine-A, significantly decreased body weight, growth rate, serum protein, albumin and cholesterol. Aflatoxisis was characterized by changes in Red blood cells counts, serum glucose and activity of serum transaminase enzyme.  B1 aflatoxine and ochratoxine-A tended to decrease Mitotic index and increased chromosomal aberration in treatment, which was fed by aflatoxis rations. Combination of Aflatoxine B1 and ochratoine-A treatments increased t toxic severity of feed, as compared to applying them individually.

ALI, H.K. AI- Hillali, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ.*

 Saied W.S, Ministry of Sci. and Tech.., Biol. and Agric. Office



Updated: 24/05/2018 — 12:01 am