The economics of poultry production in Muthanna Governorate for the year 2017


The research aimed to estimate the function of poultry production and its economic derivatives, as well as the calculation of some indicators of the economic efficiency of the production and its factors, data were obtained through a random sample that included 35 fields, which accounted for 32{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d} of the total poultry producers in the province. The logarithmic formula was chosen as the most suitable for passing the tests, also the results of the efficiency of the factors of production showed that the producers were not efficient in the use of the elements of production, especially medicines. The results of the criteria of economic efficiency of net cash income, net farm income, returns of agricultural work, The total return of the capital were as follows, respectively (30461.82, 28778.25, 28023.04, 26282.47, 33027.46, 31343.89) thousand dinars, the capital return was 1.057,  which is a good indicator from the point of view of the producer and the society, and the period of capital recovery invested in the meal And the economic derivatives showed that the production elements fall within the second stage of production. The total flexibility of the production elements was about 1.16. This means increasing the return to capacity. The study recommended that the necessity to protecting and encouraging domestic poultry production by limiting the import of poultry meat. Frozen Kun production The local is able to fill a large part of the local need which involves economic and health important political benefits.

Haider   H.  B., Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ.*

Ali J. A., Administration and Economics College, Al-Muthanna Univ.

Miqdad J.  A., Administration and Economics College, Al-Muthanna Univ.

