Two experiments were carried out to study the effects of salicylic acid rates in improving wheat and chickpea salt resistance in the germination stage and seedling growth during 2015-2016, experiments design was CRD wheat (Abu Ghraib) and chickpea (local variety) were included. First experiment was laboratory tests were performed to determine the optimal concentration of salicylic acid (SA) in germination and growth of seedlings crop wheat, chickpeas. The second experiment was subjecting the above cultivars to sodium chloride rates (0ds | m, 2ds | m, 4dS | m, 6dS | m, 8dS | m) to investigate their responses to salts. Increasing concentrations of salt tended to decrease percentage of germination and shoot and root length and wet and dry weight of wheat, chickpeas plants. Seed treatments by acid salicylic (1.5 mM) before planting significantly improved length of shoot and root, wet and dry weight, relative content water and concentration of chlorophyll
Mohammed Alwan Hashim, Agric. College, Muthanna University
Mohammed Radwan Mahmoud, Agric. College, Muthanna University
Nasser Habib Mahabs, Agric. College, Muthanna University