Number:1, Volume:11, Year: 2024

Number:1, Volume:11, Year: 2024



Title and Authors full text
1 The impact of the dumping phenomenon of table eggs in Iraq (2010-2022)


*Nagham Rahman Mohammed                   Firas Arhim Ibrahim                               Osama Kadhim Jabara

Researcher                                          Assistant Professor                                           Professor

College of Agriculture                        College of Agriculture             College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences

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Microbial and Physicochemical Assessment of Water Quality Reserving in Silver Utensils


Issam Mohammed Ali Alradiny 1      Sabah Malik Habeeb Al-Shatty2   Jumaah Abdulzahra Nafea 1

1Department of Soil Science and Water Resources, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq

2Department of Food Sciences, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq

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Response of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv Shumoos) to foliar spray of ethephon and plant densities

Mohammed Altefat Abbas and Hayder Abdul Hussain Mohsen Almughir

Department of Field Crop Sciences, College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University, Iraq.

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A Comparison Study between Raw and Dried Milk Powder in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Staphylococcus aureus.

Zainab Sahib Abuhanen Quraish

College of Medicine, Al Muthanna University, Samawa, Iraq.

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Impact of Iraqi probiotic on the Peking ducks carcass traits

Alaa Ahmed Marzouk1, Naser Sabti Habeeb2, Wafaa Rshaij Makttoof3 and Hussam Mohsen Jabbar Al-Khafaji4

1College of Health and Medical Technologies, Alayen Iraqi University, Iraq.

2,3,4Thi Qar Agriculture Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq.

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Impact of adding different levels of Iraqi probiotic on the relative weight and length of the small intestine of Chinese white ducks.

Alaa Ahmed Marzouk1, Naser Sabti Habeeb2, Wafaa Rshaij Makttoof3 and Hussam Mohsen Jabbar Al-Khafaji4

1College of Health and Medical Technologies, Alayen Iraqi University, Iraq.

2,3,4Thi Qar Agriculture Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq.

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Influence of amino acids foliar applications on the quality of bread in several wheat cultivars Triticum aestivum L.

Fatima Shaker Shukr 1, Asmaa Ali Ismail1 , Azhar Abboud Hamid 1Mohammad Radwan Mahmoud 2,Sattar Jabbar Abdel Karim1

1General Company for Grain Trade

1Professor at the College of Agriculture / Al-Muthanna University

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Study of the performance of a developed remotely controlled sprayer for weed control

Ameer H. Al-Ahmadi1, Alaa K. Subr2


2Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural Machines and Equipment, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq

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Anatomical and chemical characteristics of wild plant species east of Al-Salman

Mohammed A.R.Aljaberi1,     Fouad R. Al-Burki 1,2,           Haider R. Malih3

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Humic Acid and Anti-Salt fertilizer Affecting Vegetative Growth and Yield Parameters of Strawberry Var Robby G.


Ayad Jasim Jaber Doaa Ali Kadhem Amer Mutlaq Mashour

Nazar Abdulfadhel Al-ibraheemi

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Evaluating Soil Texture and Elemental Composition in Wasit Governorate, Iraq: A Remote Sensing Approach


Dumooa Sadeq Khudhair


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Iraq

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Influence of Alcoholic Garlic Extract on Wound Healing of Male New Zealand White Rabbits Full Thickness cutaneous Injuries

Anhar Ahmed khinfor

Department of  Medical Laboratories, College of Health and Medical Technology , Sawa University, Almuthana, Iraq.

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The impact of some agricultural policy indicators on investment in the Iraqi economy Dumooa Sadeq Khudhair


Mohammed Khaleel Jasim1, Prof. Raja Tohma Al-Wasity2

University of Baghdad – College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences

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14 Response of mint plant Mentha Pipreta L.)  to nano spraying and its   effect on vegetative growth characteristics and volatile oil


1Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering,

College of Agricultural and Marshlands, University of Thi Qar, Iraq.


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