Attempt was made in Rumaitha, Samawa during the growing season of 2014-2015, to investigate the role of bacterial inoculation for mungbeans and crop impact in increasing the productivity of wheat. Mung beans was inoculated by Rhizobium leguminosarum besides un-inoculated mung beans. In winter, two varieties of wheat (Abba-99 and Rasheed) were sown on the plots where treated and untreated Mung beans had been grown in last summer. Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) was chosen, with three replicate for each treatment. Rasheed wheat cultivar gave the highest means in most detected traits, particularly weight of 1000 grain, grain yield, harvest index, grain content of phosphorus ({8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}) and Grain content of potassium ({8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}), as Compared to the abba-99. Rhizobium treated mung beans showed the highest weight of 1000 grain (51.13 gm), grain yield (6.169 tons.h-1), harvest index (32.45{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}), grain protein content (9.11{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}), grain content of phosphorus (1.256{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}) and Grain content of potassium (2.956{8aa0d92a9d700de00931fb59e75e46e902b43698544c97f28f7bec3700555d1d}).
Yahia K.Challab/ College of Agric. / AL-Muthanna University
Turki M.Saad / College of Agric./ AL-Muthanna University
Karrar F.Joan / College of Agric./ AL-basra University