Twenty Two heads of local goats and sixteen of Awassi ewes belong to the Department of Animal Production/ College of Agriculture/ University of Al-Qadisiyah have been used in this study during birth season of the year 2013-2014, to study some factors affecting milk production and the growth of births during lactation period and to predict the milk production and the growth of births. Age of dam, sex of birth and type of birth were significantly affected (P<0.01) the total and daily milk production in goats, and this significant influence varies with the varying factors of the partial milk. The age of dam and birth’s sex affect significantly affected the total and daily milk production in sheep, type of birth (P<0.01). Significant influence of varying age of dam and type of birth were observed on the partial. Sheep was excelled over goats significantly in weight of the offspring at the measurement periods 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 days, respectively. The age of dam and birth’s sex and type of birth had significant effects (P<0.01) on the offspring’s weight at all measurement intervals from birth until weaning at 90 days in goats. The birth type significantly (P<0.01) affected the offspring’s weight at all the measurement intervals from birth until weaning at 90 days in sheep. The best prediction equations have been determined of the total milk production through partial milk and births weights during lactation, as well as weaning weight via the previous weights.
*Fallah Hassan Abdel – Lattif, College of Agric., Al-Qadisiyah Univ.