Day: April 14, 2018

The effects of addition some soil ammendements on water status of loamy sand texture


An experiment was conducted with pots at Agric. College, AlMuthanna Univ. Randomized complete block design was selected to include the amendment of loamy sand soil by organic matter at rates of (2 , 4 and 8ton. h-1), Ardgrow at rates (1 , 2 and 4 Kgm-2), Rock Wool at rates of (25 , 50 and 100g.m-2 ), bsides untreated control.

The results showed that water holding capacity was significantly increased with organic matter amendments, as compared to Ardgrow and Rock Wool. Soil water conductivities were substaintially improved with the utilization organic matter, Rock Wool and Ardgrow as compared to control.

Hakam Kariem Dweny, Agric. College, Al-Muthanna Univ.


Updated: 14/04/2018 — 2:40 pm