
1- The Journal publishes original and valuable research in the basic and applied sciences relevance to agriculture. Pages are published on the understanding that they have not been and, with exception of author’s abstract, will not be published elsewhere.

2- Manuscripts should be written either in English or Arabic and typed on one side of a white paper (A4) in one and a qurter – line spacing with a 1.5 cm wide margin.

3- Articles are critically re-examined by referees. The author(s) may comment on the referee’s remarks. The article should be rejected, the author(s) will be notified in due to the reasons for its rejection. The original copy of the manuscript will not be returned.                                   

4- Results of research work, which do not warrant presentation as a full paper, may be submitted for consideration as Notes. Notes are not intended for the publication of interim result. Review articles may be published if they have innovative features                                                  

5- The title should be short and precise. English title should be written in normal small letters. The title must be followed by author(s) name(s) and affiliation, abstract, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, and references cited                           

6- Abstracts should be both in English and Arabic, and should be no more 150 words. English article should have Arabic Abstract at the end of the article and vise versa                                                                              

7- Only papers closely related to the author’s work should be referred to and exhaustive reference lists should be avoided. The alphabetical arrangement of reference should be as in recent papers in the Iraqi Journal of Agriculture Sciences, namely surnames(s) and initial of author(s), year publication, title, volume, number opening and closing pages. In the case of book(s), the title should be followed by the publisher and place of publication, and pages                                                                                 

8- On the text, reference should be written surname of the first author then year, first author and second author then year or Author et al., year (example Abdel, 2017; Abdel and Manhood, 2017 or Abdel et al., 2017, respectively). 

9- Tables and figures used in the manuscript should be self explanatory for instance table should engage 100% of the page width. Table title should be detained by upper and lower lines within the table, any other details related to the table should be in the table bottom within the last line. No lined table except two lines of the title and detail lower line.       

10- Photographs intended for half-ton reproduction should on glossy paper. They will be accepted only if found necessary by the editors. Colors plants are unlikely to be accepted unless authors bear the cost       

– The metric of measurement should be used. (S.I. Units).